#OutofOfficeQuotes 84: To Hook there's something depressing about captive fish...
#OutofOfficeQuotes 83: 'The honeymoon never ends'? It never really started: they went to Clacton...
#OutofOfficeQuotes 82: "Suddenly he finds the burqa intolerably oppressive"
#OutofOfficeQuotes 81: "Washing away the blood he sees on his left hand small diamond-shaped dots on
#OutofOfficeQuotes 80: "Taking a couple of snorts of powder he catches his breath..."
#OutofOfficeQuotes 79: "Hook walks towards the exit, waving his arms ineffectually - neither waving
#OutofOfficeQuotes 78: "Friday prayer beats sniffing glue in bus shelters..."
#OutofOfficeQuotes 77: "An old woman descends carrying a burdened recycle box..."
#OutofOfficeQuotes 76: "He's disappearing and no-one's noticed; he's becoming the invisible man"
#OutofOfficeQuotes 75: "What if you fuck someone then they say they've got AIDS?"